You can help in many ways, by donating your time or funds.

Community Support:

The Lismore Soup Kitchen Incorporated is a community based organisation, that relies on the good will of the community and private individuals for its support base. A number of local businesses have provided support through regular food donations throughout the years and others have provided food and materials or services at cost prise or less. Patrons coming for the meals are asked to make a small donation of $1 for lunch and this includes a bottomless cup of tea or coffee.

Philosophy of Soup Kitchen Management:

Over the past seventeen years there has been a shift in the basic philosophy of the Soup Kitchen from one of welfare to a partnership model.

Partnership Model:

Patrons coming in for meals or receiving other services are seen clearly as partners and friends, not just as welfare recipients. Patrons are encouraged to participate in the life of the community, and to take some responsibility in the preparation of the meals, serving them or cleaning up after them.

Volunteers desiring to come and 'help' at the Soup Kitchen are encouraged to come and make friends with the people and to become a part of the community, rather just see themselves as a dispenser of welfare.

We understand that not everyone from either of the above categories feels comfortable with the partner / friend model, and therefore some people do not avail themselves of the services of the kitchen.

We have witnessed the obvious benefits and fruits from this approach and have chosen to stay with this model and continue to look at creative ways of fostering this model in all our services and activities.


Some of the areas people might want to help:

The Soup Kitchen:

  • Chef/cook
  • Cooks assistant - food preparation & washing up
  • Cleaning

The Winsome:

  • Handyman/woman
  • Painting
  • Licenced plumber
  • Licenced builder
  • Licenced electrician
  • Cleaning the Winsome grounds
  • Mowing, gardening/weeding

Proposed Activities

  • Providing equipment and/or materials for proposed pottery workshop
  • Providing equipment and/or materials for proposed woodworking workshop
  • Providing equipment for proposed kayaking club

The Soupie Boutique:

  • Donating clothing and homewares to the Soupie Boutique

Donate to the Lismore Soup Kitchen Inc.:

Across this region and beyond, there are a large number of supporters who pledge a regular gift to the Winsome 500 Club. Please click here to become part of this team.


You can download our newsletters from here as a pdf file (for printing)

Or view the latest newsletter online here.

Filename Size Date
An Adobe Acrobat file Winsome Newsletter July 2024 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 2.96 MB 2024-07-23 08:35:51
An Adobe Acrobat file Winsome Newsletter July 2023 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 3.43 MB 2024-07-23 08:32:04
An Adobe Acrobat file Winsome Newsletter July 2022 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 2.15 MB 2022-08-11 07:05:40
An Adobe Acrobat file Winsome Newsletter July 2021 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 3.17 MB 2021-07-21 22:03:03
An Adobe Acrobat file Winsome Newsletter July 2020 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 1.3 MB 2020-09-10 12:59:27
An Adobe Acrobat file Winsome Newsletter July 2019 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 4.84 MB 2019-07-22 10:47:26
An Adobe Acrobat file Winsome Newsletter July 2018 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 966.49 KB 2018-07-10 01:11:34
An Adobe Acrobat file Winsome Newsletter July 2016 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 385.09 KB 2016-07-27 11:46:13
An Adobe Acrobat file Winsome Newsletter July 2015 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 2.42 MB 2015-07-19 08:13:10
An Adobe Acrobat file Winsome Christmas Newsletter 2014 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 237.72 KB 2014-12-23 04:03:58
An Adobe Acrobat file Winsome Newsletter 2013 Download Preceding File Preview in Google Docs Viewer 102.39 KB 2014-12-23 04:02:56